Leader magazineASCL - Association of School and College Leaders

Names and faces


Stephen Parry Regional Officer, Wales and Herefordshire

Born and educated in Liverpool, Stephen started his career in Cheshire. He worked in East Sussex for six years and after two deputy headships in Bedfordshire, spent 13 years as headteacher of Tonypandy Community College in South Wales. During his time as head he qualified as an Estyn inspector and was an external adviser for Headteacher Performance Management.

After 25 years of school leadership he left in December to become an ASCL regional officer, a role he describes as rewarding, fascinating and very different. Stephen is enthusiastic about sharing his experience of all aspects of school leadership while listening to the concerns of colleagues and learning from their responses.

Married with two children at primary school, he is fortunate that they share his passion for sport.


Malcolm Dawson Regional Officer, North East

Malcolm began working for ASCL in January, after a career which included time in industry, teaching, local authority advisory work and headship. Since joining the profession in the mid-1970s, he has worked in several of the local authorities in the north west.

He has always seen great value in education leaders working together and particularly enjoyed his work with the Gateshead Association of Secondary Headteachers and his membership of the local Education Improvement Partnership.

As a school leader, Malcolm was a strong advocate of ASCL MAPS courses and consultancy service. In his role as regional officer, he says he has been struck by the strength of support provided, both by staff at headquarters and by colleagues working in the field.

Malcolm is married with two grown up daughters (both teachers) and, since January, a new grandchild, Grace. He enjoys listening to music, playing guitar and reading. His interests also include sport, notably rugby union and football.

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