Leader magazineASCL - Association of School and College Leaders

New inspection news

In October, via the weekly e-newsletter, we asked members to report back on their experience of the new inspection system. Many thanks to those who responded.

The verdict is mainly positive. Comments include:

  • Carried out in a very professional manner and very focused on issues in the SEF.

  • Positive experience on the whole. Short notice hugely preferable to endless waiting. HMIs good, but there remains an issue about the quality of the others.

  • Test of our self-evaluation process. The major workload was on the senior team. Some staff complained that they were not seen teaching.

  • The experience was intense and gruelling. Only 13 lessons seen. SEF downgraded on three sections. No acknowledgement of the mountain we have to climb daily. Leadership team grilled. They felt under intense pressure. Joint lesson observation with the inspectors.

  • We were told that our SEF was too long (40 pages) and needed to be more focused.

SHA is looking closely at the experiences of members who have not been left feeling positive about the new inspection and Keith Dennis, SHA inspections consultant, has been personally supporting SHA members in these several schools.

We are concerned at the absolute priority being given to contextual value added data (CVA) and the inconsistencies with Fisher Family Trust data. Members with issues about this are asked to contact Keith Dennis on kdenn@aol.com

In building up our case regarding the new inspections, it would be particularly helpful if members whose schools have been served with a 'notice to improve' could contact Keith Dennis.

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