Leader magazineASCL - Association of School and College Leaders

Diary dates


24 Developing the Roles of Staff with TLRS (Wales), Swansea

25 Preparing for Ofsted Inspection, Swindon

26 Middle Leaders Toolkit for Improvement, London FULL

31 Every Child Matters - The Student Voice, Warwick FULL


1  Effective School Leadership, Cheltenham

Conference 14-19 Collaborations and Partnerships, London

5 Managing Falling Rolls (Wales), Llandrindod Wells

5 Working with your SIP, London

8 Preparing for Ofsted Inspection, Newcastle

8 Planning for Retirement, Leicester

27 Financial Awareness, Bath

28 Managing Exclusions, Bromsgrove


1-3 Towards Deputy Headship, Kenilworth

5 Managing Challenging Personnel, Wakefield

6 Coaching for Secondary Leaders, Sheffield

7 Securing a Positive School Ethos through Emotional Intelligence, Peterborough

13 School Self-Evaluation, Cheltenham/Gloucester

14 Raising your Game - Improving Your Subject Area, Newcastle

15 Preparing for Ofsted Inspection, Melton

19 Conference Engaging Parents in Raising Achievement, London

20 Partners in Leadership - Working with Governors, London

For more information on short courses and conferences, contact ASCL on 0116 299 1122
or maps@ascl.org.uk  
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