Leader magazineASCL - Association of School and College Leaders

What's in a name?

A blank business card

Bursars, business managers, facilities managers, personnel directors... as the workforce becomes more diverse so do the titles within leadership teams.

At the September Council meeting, the Bursars and Business Managers Committee had a long debate on what the committee should be called.

Historically called the Bursars Committee, the committee's name was changed last year to reflect the school business manager role in many schools.

However, many leadership teams are growing to reflect the increased responsibility of support staff. This could be network managers or personnel managers or other support staff in schools.

ASCL membership is open to anyone who serves on school leadership teams and the committee represents the interests of all ASCL members who are senior support staff.

So, the challenge is to determine what we call the committee which represents the group of people that fall into this category. The suggestions that were tabled met with a variety of comments, such as administration leaders (may not reflect the workforce), support staff leaders (somewhat woolly) and many more.

We want to hear from ASCL members serving on leadership teams what title really reflects the work that is done in schools by these variety of people.

Linda Appleby, Bursars and Business Managers Committee 

Your Leader

Do you have a name which you think best sums up the role bursars or business managers hold? Send your suggestions to: linda.appleby@highfield.blackpool.sch.uk

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