Leader magazineASCL - Association of School and College Leaders
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Assessment: a clearer vision?

Since 2004, when ASCL first published its proposals for a new system of assessment based on qualified chartered assessors, the association has been calling for reform of the assessment system in England. Welsh colleagues have since moved to a more enlightened structure, but that has brought its own challenges. Recently the DfES has begun to make encouraging noises about the need to look again at this issue. On the next few pages, ministers, education experts and school and college leaders give their opinion about how to make assessment once again fit for purpose. >>more>>

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Trying to foretell the next major developments in technology, and how they will affect teaching and learning, is risky business. Steve Smith from ICT provider Ramesys gives it his best shot. >>more>>

Firefighter on Ladder Over Fire

Hello, emergency services...

Hundreds of schools are hit by arson each year, causing hundreds of thousands of pounds of damage. As director of corporate services at Copleston High School, Kate Lacey tells how the school reacted when it was hit by a major fire the week before the start of the autumn term. >>more>>

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