Leader magazineASCL - Association of School and College Leaders

Working smarter...

Renewable energy

At Newbridge High School, we have installed a renewable green fuels heating system with the help of grants from the Bio Energy Capital Grant Scheme and our local authority - and some work from the contractor given free of charge.

This has zero emissions and although the cost per tonne of the wood pellet/chip heating has risen from £95 to £130 the past five years, the increase is less than the increase in fossil fuels over the same period, so significant savings have been made.

We have also installed solar panels to assist with heating water - again we obtained grants from Clear Skies and Scottish Power so there was no initial cost to the school, with savings made year on year on the cost of electricity.

Rural Energy Ltd, near Melton Mowbray, helped us with obtaining the grants.

Maxine Adams, business manager

Web over paper

At Guiseley School we now try to post all staff memos and messages for staff on our virtual staffroom rather than sending out paper copies. It is taking a while to persuade all staff to check for messages, but slowly we are getting there!

Catherine Beaton, director of administration and finance

Got a smart idea?

Leader would like to publish a regular, probably termly, column with tips from members on ways to save money. This could be tips to reduce bills, get free or cheaper resources, find out about grants that others may be able to apply for. However, to be able to do this, we need your ideas. Please help your colleagues by emailing your suggestions, regardless how big or small, to leader@ascl.org.uk

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