Leader magazineASCL - Association of School and College Leaders

Online upgrade

SHA has called on the STRB to award a higher percentage pay increase to school leaders than to the majority of classroom teachers.

We have argued that this is necessary because of the clear increase in responsibilities placed on school leaders. Workforce reform, school self-evaluation, the new school profile, the single conversation are just the start. Higher pay differentials would also help address growing concerns about recruiting and retaining good school leaders.

In addition, we have raised a concern about suitable differentials between deputies and assistant heads and the highest paid classroom teachers. With the movement of the vast majority of classroom teachers up the upper pay spine, it seems right to adjust the comparative baseline of the highest paid classroom teacher from USP1, plus any SEN and management allowances, to UPS3 plus any SEN and management allowances.

These points were raised with the STRB as additional evidence. STRB can be found on the SHA website in the members section.

SHA is part of the Rewards and Incentives Group so our main body of evidence was submitted jointly with the other members.

However we believe the two issues above deserve special consideration and SHA will continue to campaign. for better .conditions of service for members. The full letter to the STRB can be found on the SHA website in the members section.

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