Learning outside the classroom flourishing
Schools are not letting the regulations on rarely cover undermine opportunities for learning outside the classroom (LOTC), ASCL told the Parliamentary select committee on education in March.
During its enquiry into LOTC, the Parliamentary committee heard that schools have become adept at integrating opportunities for LOTC within the curriculum and building flexibility into the timetable.
ASCL president John Morgan told MPs: "We are a much more sophisticated profession and we plan our curriculum very carefully. For instance you will find schools where, every second Friday, there is a block timetable."
He explained: "If you have the whole school timetable collapsed for the day - to take year 7 for an intensive day's learning at a science centre; to offer sex education to year 8 with experts coming in; and to offer year 9 work experience placements - you can actually manage it."
"The way to make sure that the curriculum is enlivened and enriched by learning outside the classroom is to plan it in advance."
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