Online testing for KS3
At the BETT Show in January, the secretary of state confirmed that the onscreen key stage 3 ICT test will become statutory in 2008 with the results included in achievement and attainment tables.
Conducting tests on computer will be a new experience for most schools, and it is bound to take practice to run the test successfully and to ensure that staff and pupils know what to do. According to the QCA, feedback from last year's pilot showed that pupils achieve better results with plenty of preparation.
The QCA is encouraging all schools to install the 2006 test software, which gives them access to the familiarisation and practice materials. These will give pupils experience of what a test is like and enable staff to practise scheduling and running test sessions.
In March, Sue Walton, the project director of the key stage 3 ICT test project, will be running a seminar about the project at ASCL's annual conference and giving advice about how best to prepare pupils and staff for the 2006 pilot.
If you have any queries about taking part, please contact the KS3 ICT Customers Service Team on or 080 870 1025. For further information and access to the 2006 training materials please visit
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