Leader magazineASCL - Association of School and College Leaders

Question time

John Dunford met with the prime minister on 28 February to discuss ASCL's views on the education bill. Coincidentally the association was also referenced during Prime Minister's Question Time on 8 February.

John Pugh, the Liberal Democrat MP for Southport, asked whether the prime minister was planning to meet with ASCL to discuss the education white paper. He reminded the prime minister that the association had said that there had been 20 education acts in 20 years and another one was not needed.

Mr Blair told him he would be meeting with John Dunford shortly. He added that much the same had been said about the introduction of specialist schools but they were now half of all comprehensives.

Fortunately, John was able to set the prime minister straight on the difference between the need for education acts and specialist schools during their meeting at Downing Street.

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