Effect of the Education and Inspections Act 2006
Most of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 was taken up with repealing or altering or inserting new clauses into previous legislation. It's not surprising then, that a number of changes to regulation, some arbitrary and some highly significant, come into effect in the next few months. Here is an overview.
By the end of the summer term, local authorities will have a duty to:
identify children not receiving suitable education
secure access for young people to positive activities
appoint school improvement partners
publish a sustainable travel plan
respond to representations by parents not satisfied with educational provision in their area
promote high standards and achievement of potential, and to extend diversity and choice
Also by the end of summer term, local authorities will gain powers to secure school places for children in care.
Likewise there will be new measures in force for schools by the end of the summer term including:
limitations on disposal of publicly funded land
statutory power to impose sanctions on pupils (including detention, search and confiscation)
a duty to observe the new nutritional standards
a duty on schools with 'trust' foundation with limited parental representation on the governing body to establish a parent council
power (in conjunction with the local authority) to provide free school meals to all pupils, including breakfasts
Some of the more significant regulations will come into force from 1 September, including the following:
entitlement for all students to study at least two sciences to GCSE
extension of parenting orders and contracts (so that governors gain rights to apply for parenting orders)
penalty notices for parents who permit an excluded child to be in a public place for the first five days of exclusion without good reason
duty on schools to provide full-time education for excluded pupils from the sixth day of exclusion
duty on schools to arrange reintegration interviews for excluded pupils
ASCL has and will continue to issue guidance on these topics where necessary. If in doubt, check the website at www.ascl.org.uk (click on publications/guidance and policy papers). If you have a specific query about your situation, call the ASCL hotline on 0116 299 1122.
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