Win over single status in Devon
ASCL's solicitors have intervened on behalf of ASCL's bursar and business manager members in Devon who would have been adversely affected by the local authority's original proposal regarding the single status agreement.
As has happened in other authorities, the scale of responsibility and authority held by school bursars and business managers was not fully taken into consideration by Devon local authority and those members were threatened with a significant pay cut.
Throughout the process, ASCL has been taking an active role at both county and individual school level. Through legal representation, pension and personal advice, the majority of cases have been settled satisfactorily or they are in the process of reaching a conclusion.
ASCL argued that the regulations give school governing bodies rather than the local authority the final say over bursar and business managers' pay and therefore schools cannot be forced to accept the local authority's single status agreement as long as governors can justify why it is not applicable.
The association is keeping a close watch on developments regarding single status agreements in other parts of the country.
If you are concerned about the settlement in your local authority or want to keep ASCL informed of progress, contact Bob Carstairs on 0116 299 1122 or via
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