Leader magazineASCL - Association of School and College Leaders

Reassessment approaching

Schools that went through the first round of the Financial Management Standard in Schools (FMSiS) assessment in the 2007-08 financial year will be due for reassessment in 2010-11.

It is important that colleagues start preparing for reassessment well in advance as some of the requirements have changed in the last three years. Colleagues may find it helpful to look at the DCSF FMSiS website at www.fmsis.info

In addition to undertaking the self-assessment found on the site, you are advised to look at the re-assessment guidance issued to local authorities in May 2009 (in the 'latest news' section), at the very least to ensure that your authority is acting in accordance with the guidance and providing the school with appropriate support.

The IRU also produced guidance on selecting an external assessor. Go to http://iru.moodlevle.co.uk and click on position statements.

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