Leader magazineASCL - Association of School and College Leaders

Bursar numbers

ASCL is pleased to report that more than 200 bursars and business managers have joined the association since membership was opened up to them in January 2005. We hope this number will more than double in the coming year.

As more schools and colleges appoint bursars/business managers to senior roles, it will be that much more important for ASCL to take their views into consideration when shaping policy and responding to government initiatives.

To this end, we have co-opted two bursar members on to Council and formed a bursar committee, which meets at the same time as Council, to deal with issues of concern specifically to bursars and business managers. Notably, many bursars/business managers have told us they joined ASCL not for support specifically for their role, but for information on leadership and education policy.

A satisfaction survey was sent to all bursar members this month and the results should help us provide a better service and attract more members. You can help by spreading the word that ASCL membership is open to bursars and business managers who are on the leadership team.

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