Leader magazineASCL - Association of School and College Leaders

Faith for looked after children

New regulations about looked after children (LAC) came into force on 21 February. They require admission authorities to give top priority to looked after children in their oversubscription criteria.

Faith schools are permitted to give first priority to LAC of their faith ahead of all other applicants, but may give priority to all LAC regardless of faith, if they choose to do so. Designated grammar schools must give priority to LAC who meet the academic requirements.

All admission authorities must abide by the new regulations when determining their admission arrangements for 2007-08 onwards.

Any admission authority that has already consulted, but not yet determined, its arrangements for 2007-08 must amend them if they are not compliant with the new regulations.

Visit www.opsi.gov.uk/si/si200601.htm to view the regulations. The SI number is 128.

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