Leader magazineASCL - Association of School and College Leaders

Awards night

ASCL congratulations go out to members Stephen Cabrera and Jeffrey Threlfall who were honoured at the national 2006 Teaching Awards in October.

Jeffrey Threlfall of Wildern Secondary School in Southampton received the award for Headteacher of the Year in a Secondary School. According to judges, he has "created a school that parents readily identify as a centre of excellence". A teacher at the school commented: "I feel part of his vision and part of his journey. He allows us to flourish."

Stephen Cabrera, who is Business and Enterprise Coordinator at Rydens School in Walton on Thames, won the Teaching Award for Enterprise. The judges said he "passionately encouraged students to acquire valuable life skills through commercial exposure". He was an "out of the box thinker" who brought a fresh perspective to lessons.

ASCL is pleased to support the awards and the excellent opportunity they afford to recognise the talent and commitment of education professionals. Nominations for the 2007 regional awards are open now until March 2007. Go to www.teachingawards.com

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