Inset guidance
Sixth training day
Members will have heard that the secretary of state has granted a sixth training (inset) day to schools in 2007-08 to prepare for the new secondary curriculum.
Parliament still needs to officially approve this measure which is expected to happen by mid-December. Therefore schools are not allowed to take the additional non-contact day before then, but they can start planning and put a provisional date - falling in the spring or summer 2008 term - in the calendar.
Although schools do not have power to use a teaching day this term to prepare for the KS3 changes (instead of teaching pupils on that day), there might be options for moving other dates around. For example, if employers or heads had planned to hold one of the five non-contact days immediately after the end of the spring term, they might wish to move it to just after the end of the autumn term or just before the start of the spring term (giving reasonable notice to parents, staff, transport contractors etc), and hold the optional KS3 day just after the end of the spring term.
The DCSF has sent a letter to local authorities alerting them to the extra training day. A copy of the letter is available on the ASCL website in the members' area under guidance/policies and procedures. For more information visit www.ascl.org.uk
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