Leader magazineASCL - Association of School and College Leaders

Energising through educational research network

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At the ASCL Conference in March, a group of members met to discuss establishing a Research Support Network (RSN).

After an initial presentation, delegates swapped details of their own research involvement. It was interesting to discover a range of practice amongst attendees, between personal DEd and MA studies to groups of practitioners working in school research networks, with much variety in between.

Delegates agreed that any RSN set up for members should be based on a strong and explicit ethical foundation. The network could include:

  • a register of members' research interests and current research being undertaken

  • sharing recommended references ? provision of research partners or mentors

  • assistance in data acquisition within and across sectors ? specialist support, for example in statistical interpretation, writing up, proof reading and informed feedback

  • specific workshops on topics identified by members

  • virtual support to researchers across a network

  • promotion of links with NFER, NCSL, LSRN etc

The next step is to establish a RSN page on the ASCL website, based on an agreed ethical protocol. Members who choose to join the network will then assist in establishing some of the features listed above.

Chris Tyler, ASCL's colleges specialist, has a keen personal interest in educational research and is contacting those who have already expressed interest. She would be pleased to hear from other members who would like to join what could become a very rewarding venture.

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