How are your subs spent
The largest proportion of members' subscription fees in 2008, 40 per cent, was spent on support for members. This includes field and regional officers, solicitors, legal fees, hotline support and pensions advice.
Central expenses, which took up 15 per cent of the budget, refers to the daily running of the headquarters building. National meetings, at 10 per cent of the budget, primarily comprises Council and Executive meetings. Three percent of the budget went towards increasing ASCL's legal defence fund.
ASCL staff work hard to make sure that as much of the budget as possible is spent on activities that directly impact members. As well as member support, this includes representing schools and colleges in top-level discussions and fighting for better pay and conditions and more sensible education policies.
As are many organisations in these uncertain economic times, ASCL has been looking for ways to make efficiency savings without compromising the service to members. We are making more use of conference calls rather than sending staff to meetings, seeking greater value for money from conference venues, encouraging staff to buy train tickets well in advance to get the best deals, and reducing postage and telephone costs.
We hope you will agree that, for the service and support it provides, ASCL membership represents good value for money.
Fiona Hammans, ASCL Honorary Treasurer
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