Leader magazineASCL - Association of School and College Leaders

In brief...


Ofsted's main communication vehicle is now a monthly bulletin to which school leaders can sign up. The web address is www.ofsted.gov.uk/ofsteddirect


Kudos to SHA Council member Bernard Roberts, head of Prince Henry's School, Evesham, who was called "one of the country's most distinguished school leaders" by David Bell in the introduction to his annual report.


SHA will be publishing a book on work-life balance for the senior leadership team in the autumn. If you would like to contribute, either with case studies or guidance, please email sara.gadzik@sha.org.uk

Every Child Matters

SHA is publishing its policy paper on Every Child Matters in March. Overall SHA supports the principles in the Children Act but we have grave concerns about the amount of bureaucracy and potential cost for schools.

For instance, with the various regulators for heath, education and social service, it is possible for there to be multiple bodies inspecting work in schools.

The government must provide clear guidance on its expectations for schools and on how this initiative fits with the new Ofsted framework and New Relationship with Schools.

SHA will press for extra funding for training school staff involved in multi-disciplinary teams.

The policy paper is being sent to schools in the March mailing. Extra copies can be ordered from SHA for £2 each. Contact publications@sha.org.uk or 0116 299 1122.

Framework for ICT Technical Support

Becta's Framework for ICT Technical Support (FITS) is a best practice guide for managing ICT. It will be useful for anyone involved in the management or day-to-day practice of technical support, in-house or outsourced. It also has relevant information for defining an ICT or technical support strategy.

To order a free copy of the FITS pocket guide or find out more about the FITS workshops run by Becta, see the 'What's new' and 'Quick links' section at www.becta.org.uk/leaders/technicalsupport

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